How Your Donations Help

Thank you!

Our Giving Tree - Thank you for your support!

Last year you made a generous donation to the annual Aiming for Acceptance bowling tournament, and we just wanted to thank you again and let you know what your donation has helped us accomplish this year. 608-822-3015

Read our Success Stories newsletter.

Assisted six families

Supplies were purchased to help the children of these families get through their daily routines safely, and with less anxiety and stress for both child and caregivers.

Helped four school districts

Schools were given money to purchase needed equipment for students.
Meetings and trainings were held for school staff members.
Helped design and implement a School Autism consultant for area school districts.

Autism support meetings and information

Meetings were held for families and caregivers on resources and opportunities to help those on the spectrum.

Law enforcement and the Autism community

An ongoing training for county and municipal law enforcement agencies as well as First responders has and is taking place.
An emergency identification alert system for Grant County special needs individuals is now up and running.
Assisting with a State Wide Critical Incidence Training for working with the Autism Community.

Thank you for all you helped us do last year!

Sincerely, The Aiming for Acceptance Board