Why Aiming for Acceptance was Founded - Our History

Aiming for Acceptance LogoThe journey started in January of 2012, when a lonely birthday party planted the seed of thought in a family friend. Watching the struggles and successes of our son and a friend's gears were turning. One conversation led to another and another. People wanted to be a part of something inspiring and helpful to the community. Aiming for Acceptance (A4A) was born.

In April 2012, A4A held their first bowling tournament at the Fennimore Lanes which was very well attended. The first three years we grew in size. Our goals for the future were quickly outgrowing the venue. The owners of Fennimore Lanes were eager to help the southwest Wisconsin's autism community, but our future goals and aspirations were exceeding their facility. Boscobel Bowl and Banquet welcomed us for the fourth tournament. April 1, 2017, we held our 5th annual Aiming for Acceptance Bowling tournament including a raffle and auction.

Money raised from the tournaments provided a variety of things from gas card for appointment travel to training for school, daycares, law enforcement personnel. Police officers are equipped with picture card for interactions with nonverbal people. Students on the spectrum are able to safely participate in school activities. Lancaster Chief Deb Reukauf helped establish the 911 safety sticker program in Grant County. Monies raised from A4A events continue to stretch and aid families.

In 2016, families with autistic loved ones were struggling as life enhancing therapy services were dwindling leaving the only resource being the local school districts. The project's focus was to aid in providing these services locally therefore lifting a stress from those families. The first phase of the plan offered an Autism Consultant service from Achieving Collaborative Treatment (ACT) of Verona, Wisconsin. ACT would work through the school district and offer a team of knowledgeable members to fill needs of those families. As ACT established a client base, they looked to lease space and provide therapies such as Sensory OT/PT, Floor time therapy, and other services to enhance those on the spectrum. Such therapies are not commonly offered in rural areas and this was huge step for those families.

The Learning Center LogoAiming for Acceptance opened The Learning Center building in 2017. The center provides a safe, sensory friendly space for companies to lease and provide their support services to special needs individuals. These services will enhance the lives of children, families, organizations, and schools. Contacts are being drafted for Autism therapy services, Sensory OT/PT. In the future, we look to provide behavioral therapies including music, art and yoga. If you are a business interested in leasing space from us, or individuals in search of therapies, we encourage you to give us a call at 608-822-3015.

Watch our Facebook page for more about our programs and fund-raising projects.

Aiming for Acceptance is accepting donations of supplies, money, and volunteers. All donations are greatly appreciated and truly make a difference in the lives of many. Please contact our office for a current list of needs. Cash donations are always accepted.