Scheduled Programs

Regular monthly, bi-weekly and weekly programs are scheduled for our clients. Call 608-822-3015 or email to get more information about the scheduled programs.

Monthly Programs

Group monthly activities are led by someone from the business world showing what their job is like, exposing clients to possible new interests. Each client has a completed project to take home at the end of the session. Monthly topics may include building a bird house, making dog toys, potting plants, making seasonal decorations and recycling projects.

Bi-Weekly or Weekly Programs

The Learning Center contracts with school districts to provide training for students for the duration of the school year. Students are transported by the school to and from the facility. While at the Learning Center, students will work on goals and competencies written by the school's IEP team and facility staff. Progress will be reviewed to evaluate student's using tools and strategies learned at center and applied to school and daily life.

Saturday Group Get-Together

Saturday is a worry free, informal, get-together time with both group and individual activities. Caretakers fill out a "get to know me" form so activities can be planned accordingly, adding comfort and reducing stress on both client and caretaker.